Specifics - 87.6 miles, 13.9 mph, 483.6 miles ridden, 60+ miles to go!
Two words: Freeways and flat tires!
483.6 miles ridden, 60+ miles to go!
Today was probably the coldest day as we left camp. It was fogged in for the first 50 miles down the freeway. Did I mention we were on highway 101 for 34 miles? Yeah. That's right. Highway 101 from Solvang to Santa Barbara. What an adventure. Maria did not like it one bit. Not to mention this was a real freeway, not a back road one with cars and 18-wheelers driving by at 65-70 mph. Also, Maria had 3 flat tires, one as left camp and two more right alongside the highway. A group of us took turns changing the tires and found a piece of glass embedded in the tire. After that it was smooth sailing. When we finally reached Santa Barbara, the sun came out and it was a beautiful ride down the coast of Southern California. It was a really long day of cycling. We are staying at Aventura Beach and look forward to sleeping on a real mattress tomorrow. One day left and we're off to Santa Monica!
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