Well, we have been home for the last 2 weeks and enjoying our comfortable bed instead of the sleeping bag! We don't have to setup and tear down the tent and sleeping bags until next year ;-)
One of the things we do miss, is all of our friends (old and new ones that we met for the first time). It is truly a family and if you join us next year, you will not be disappointed!!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your financial contribution, prayers, thoughts and well-wishes. Our team met our financial goal and we raised almost $40,000 as a team! Woo Hoo!!! Over the past 4 years, we have raised almost $120,000 for the Arthritis Foundation, to help them in their fight against arthritis.
So, who is in next year for the ride of a lifetime? We are planning on doing it again! If you are interested, contact Maria or me at dpowery@gmail.com.
God's Blessings,
Dwight & Maria
In Memory of Christiana